Twitter's last stand

Twitter's last stand

Where is the post and the poster? Where is the tweet that was tweeting?

They have passed like rain on the mountain, like wind in the meadow.

The days have gone down in the West behind the Musk into shadow.

It looks like Elon is really doing it: killing Twitter out of stupidity or spite or some unholy combination thereof. My therapy appointments will be less eventful, and maybe that's for the best, but I'll miss the dumb site. I say it's dumb the way I tell my cats they're dumb, which is a sign that I am humiliated by how necessary it has become to me. I think, if I am being honest, that I believe that Twitter really is something like a global public square, and it bodes ill for all of us that a billionaire with the temperament of a spoilt nine-year-old child can destroy it on a whim.

But this is the world, and billionaires everywhere can behave with impunity. We live among their broken toys. We cut ourselves on the shards all the time. Twitter is special (I'm sorry! I hate myself too!) but that didn't protect it and only makes its demise more tragic.

Anyway. I have to post, or else I will die, so this site will house my stupid thoughts. I will update it even if a miracle saves Twitter, but I am currently on book leave from New York Magazine, which means that my posts will not be as frequent as they once were. I do promise I'll try to make them meaningful or at least a little bit amusing. You'll get updates on my book, which is set to come out from Avid Reader Press in 2024, plus my regular work and anything else that strikes my interest. There will probably be Lord of the Rings stuff because I am still a thirteen year-old homeschooled child at heart. If that doesn't appeal, well, no worries; there's a lot of Internet out there for you. But if it does, maybe we can build something nice while the world burns.